Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mushrooms to Boost Immunity

Cold and Flu season is in full swing. We must keep our bodies functioning optimally during this time in order to thwart those nasty bugs. One of the best natural immune boosters we have available to us in plenty are mushrooms! Mushrooms are a Superfood. Scientists are continually researching mushrooms and finding new ways that mushrooms help the human body fight diseases such as cancer. Research has shown that mushrooms have been shown to attack killer cells that often is the start of cancer and tumors. Rich in antioxidants and fiber, mushrooms are also a natural source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is more difficult for our bodies to get enough of during the cold winter months when we get less sunshine. Mushrooms attain the superfood title because of their significant vitamin and mineral content and should be a regular part of a healthy immune boosting diet. A little personal insight: As many of you know, I am very attune to my body. Whenever I get sick, I have found that I crave mushrooms! Specifically I want them in soup. I will always make a chicken soup, to which I add the traditional vegetables like celery, carrots, onions, plenty of garlic, kale, and of course, lots of fresh mushrooms. The best immune boosters are shiitake and maitake mushrooms, but the regular baby bellas and white muschrooms are great too. Just throw them in at the end because they cook immediately. Please remember to pick up some mushrooms the next time you go grocery shopping and add them to your favorite dishes: -salads -soups -pasta sauces -chicken dishes -steaks You name it, mushrooms can be added! --Abondanza

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