Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Best Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Coughs, Colds, Flu, and Stomach Viruses

Cold and flu season is upon us. There is so much that you can do to help yourself heal faster and shorten the duration of your cold or flu. It's a time to respect the needs of your body to heal and work in harmony with your body's immune system to help you get well quicker.  We all get exposed to bacteria and viruses every single day. Thankfully, we have a powerful defense mechanism that fights these battles for us constantly in order to maintain our health and survival and it's called our immunity. It's important to remember that when you get sick, it's likely that your body was already under a physical, emotional, or chemical stress, and so it's ability to fight off this new invader was not as affective as it could have been, and so you get sick.  But there are degrees of sick. Two people may get the same virus and one person is flat on their back in bed for several days, while the other person is able to maintain activity.  The difference between these two people has very much to do with how healthy their immune system is. The important thing to remember is that you need to help your body heal, and that means you take the proper action or inaction to assist in the healing process.  In my recent YouTube video below, I share with you the absolute best home remedies and natural cures for coughs, colds, flu, sinus infections, congestion, and stomach viruses.  These are time-tested, mother-approved remedies that I have used to heal myself and my family for years, so I can promise you, they work, and they work in harmony with your body's own unique immune system. I think we all know now that taking antibiotics for a virus is useless and can be harmful to your beneficial bacteria, which can lead to further illness down the road, yet I still talk to people who are being prescribed antibiotics for a cold.  The latest reason I heard was from a friend who had a run-of-the-mill head cold. He went to the doctor because he thought that was the quicker path to getting better. He said his doctor drew blood and the bloodwork showed slightly elevated white blood cells so the doctor prescribed antibiotics. Well I'm no medical professional, but isn't that normal? Doesn't your body produce more white blood cells when you're ill to help you fight infection? Isn't that what fever is for? Nevertheless, my friend took the medication because he was uncomfortable going against his doctor's recommendation, and he thought he would get better faster. And guess what, it didn't help. It didn't help because the illness was viral and had to run its course. Unfortunately, his seemingly run-of-the-mill head cold dragged on for months, and I have to wonder whether that may have been because his good bacteria was compromised by the antibiotics, and so he was unable to put up as good a fight with his immunity as he could have. I hope you will watch my video below to learn of some of the best natural ways to help relieve symptoms and cure a cold and flu. You will learn some excellent home remedies that have been around for centuries. They will help you get well faster, relieve symptoms, and shorten the duration of your cold or flu, and I just may be able to help you realize that the best way to heal quickly is the old-fashioned way, with plenty of rest, fluids, chicken soup, and time.  You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself because your health is your most precious asset you have. I hope you enjoy the video, and find it helpful for you this cold and flu season. Stay well❤️



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