Friday, March 6, 2020

Facts About The Coronavirus That Will Help Alleviate Your Fear

It's flu season and I got you covered! Watch my Best Home Remedies and Natural Cures For Cold And Flu Season video to help alleviate any symptoms that you may experience during this cold and flu season. I know this flu season has been a challenging one with much fear circulating due to the outbreak of the coronavirus or COVID-19. The treatment for symptoms of the coronavirus are the same as if you have the seasonal flu, so you will find much relief from the suggestions in my video. The best thing to do is not panic and understand the facts about the coronavirus. I would like to help you be less fearful by sharing some facts with you. For most of the world population, except individuals with weakened immune systems or other co-morbidities, the coronavirus is much less prevalent than the yearly seasonal flu. Each year over 50 million people come down with the flu, and approximately 300,000-700,000 people die from it each year worldwide. As many as 61,000 deaths from flu occurred in the United States in the 2017-2018 flu season and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of March 23, 2020, the current U.S. flu season has seen 38 million cases of flu illness and 23,000 flu deaths. Flu-related deaths were highest in the poorest regions of the world and among the elderly. Now let's compare the yearly seasonal flu to the coronavirus. Approximately, 416,774 people worldwide have come down with the coronavirus as of March 23, 2020. There have been about 18,582 deaths worldwide, mostly in a specific region of China and Italy. In the U.S., 44,183 people have come down with the coronavirus and there have been 544 deaths. The State of New York has recorded the most cases of coronavirus with 25,665 people having the disease and 157 deaths. California is second with 2,494 cases of the disease and 49 deaths. As you can see the cases and deaths caused by the coronavirus are no where near the magnitude of the seasonal flu. Those that have died have been reported to be elderly and have other co-morbidities or weakened immune systems. Remember, we are all on high alert and actively taking extra precautions to stop the coronavirus from spreading by altering our behavior, which further reduces the spread of the virus as well as our chances of getting it. Please do not panic or stress out. Stress weakens the immune system, leaving it more susceptible to disease, and stress takes a toll on mental health as well. So live your life and go about your day, but take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from getting sick by avoiding people who are sick and anyone sneezing or coughing, and wash your hands with soap and water. Don't rely on hand sanitizers. Also, don't touch your face, because it's very easy to transfer viruses and germs right into your body by rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth. Other very important preventive measures are to get enough sleep, fluids, and eat well. That will help to keep your immunity strong to enable you to fight off any virus, even if you should come down with it. If you become sick stay home and take care of yourself so you don't get worse or get others sick. The good news is that it's been reported that 95% of the people who get the coronavirus will recover completely with no lasting issues. I hope I could help you feel better by sharing some information about the facts of the flu and the coronavirus. Stay well and hang in there because the warmer weather is coming, which usually stops the spread of influenza viruses as people no longer congregate indoors and head outside into the sunshine and fresh air.

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