Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Your New Years Resolution Pep Talk!

Hi Everyone, right about now many people have already discarded their new year's resolutions and broken the promises they have made to themselves whether they be losing weight through dieting and exercise, quitting a bad habit, relaxing more, etc. Oftentimes, this occurs because of one slip-up. You promised yourself you would stick to it and you tripped up and gave up. Well, I'm writing to you now to tell you to get right back on track. It's a long year and you have plenty of time for stops and starts. No one climbs to the top of a mountain without a few missteps and rest spots. You just hit a small bump in the road, so forgive yourself and move forward. Whatever it is, start again. Just dust yourself off and start over. No child would have learned to walk if at first try they plopped down and just remained there and gave up. Baby steps are sometimes necessary to get to your goal. In my prior New Year's blog entry, I suggested writing down in a special journal one thing you did during the day toward your goal that will get you one step closer to achieving it. This is a wonderful exercise and will help to keep you motivated. I will help you as well by reminding you now and then to stay on track and not to give up if you hit a bump in the road. Many of you have written to me that your goal is to stop smoking or drinking or overeating. I applaud you on this decision. It's not easy and takes great willpower, but I assure you it can be done! You may need to seek help during your journey if you need some assistance and that's o.k. Don't be afraid to ask for help from those you love. Be kind to yourself, but also firm. Now may be the time to take up a new hobby to divert your attention away from constantly focusing on what you are trying to give up. I have a wonderful video on YouTube about Binge Eating. Please check it out and be sure to watch both parts. Many of the skills and remedies for trying to overcome binge eating can be used in many other aspects of life. Here is the link for you: Tips to Help with Binge Eating

So, remember, stay focused on your long-term desire and don't compromise it for your short-term want. The happiness and sense of accomplishment you will feel when you reach your goal is so much better than any short-term satisfaction you could feel by giving into your immediate want.

Best wishes. I'll see you on YouTube,

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