Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Antidote To Despair

My heart breaks for those that are struggling right now and my prayers go out to all that are suffering in the terrible fires in California. I pray for all of you🙏 It seems each day we wake up there is another bit of shocking or upsetting news to darken our day and our mood. So many of us are struggling right now and overwhelmed by the shear force of the constant tragedy that we hear. It leaves us feeling powerless and full of despair. We all seem to be asking the same question: Will things ever be normal again? There is a deep conflict going on in humanity. It's as though dark forces have cast a spell upon society, and just like in a fairy tale story, everyone morphed overnight, but we must find a way to survive this and go on.  If there is one antidote, one magic wand that we can wave to break the spell of despair, it is to be grateful. The moment we are thankful for what we have, the weight begins to lift from our shoulders and the dark powers begin to lose their hold on us. No matter what anyone tries to take from you, they cannot take your soul, not unless you give it to them. Now more than ever, it is important to practice gratitude. Say the things you are grateful for out loud every chance you get. Spend time doing things you love. Spend time with people you love. Spend time in nature. Exercise. Watch a funny movie. Alter your focus away from negativity. When you can find things in your life to be positive about, the darkness can no longer touch you. You remain in the light of hope, faith, and love. Before you know it, solutions begin to present themselves and you realize that you do have control over your life and the power to change your circumstances. Start now by eliminating anything and anyone from your life that feeds you negativity. Unfollow any social media accounts that argue or present fearful scenarios, they only serve to spread despair. Turn off the television and read a good book instead, stop going on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Once you have rid your life of the constant stream of negativity, stand guard at the door of your mind and only let in what brings you happiness, love, and joy, and you will see a huge transformation in how you feel. I always recommend starting and ending each day being thankful. It can literally change your life.❤️

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