Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How To Look Beautiful With No Makeup

I think one of the most positive things that has come out of my experience with having to be in lockdown and working from home is that I have come to embrace not wearing makeup. At first I think many of us loved not having to get ready every morning and put makeup on and do our hair etc. It was a welcomed respite from the normal routine and a chance to give our skin a bit of a rest. However, as the weeks wained on and we remained socially isolated and still working from home, many of my friends started telling me they felt like they were in a rut and have let themselves go. They were sick of looking at themselves looking like they just rolled out of bed and had no drive to change that. I totally understood how they felt and we laughed about it on FaceTime, but then something interesting happened, after a while we kinda got used to seeing ourselves that way and we no longer felt that just because we had no makeup on, we were in a rut or in some kind of hiding. It was kind of a flash back to middle school before you ever wore makeup. We simply got used to seeing ourselves without makeup, and instead of feeling like we were in a rut, we started feeling free! We weren't afraid to be seen without our "face on"as they say. This transformation was part of our evolution of self confidence. In fact, studies have shown that the more insecure a woman is, the more makeup she puts on, but can the actual act of wearing makeup cause you to develop an insecurity that you never had? The answer is yes. There are thousands upon thousands of makeup videos on YouTube showing you products that you think you need in order to look beautiful. They convince you that you need to look a certain way or buy a certain product to look and feel beautiful and confident, but the truth is, you are already beautiful and you always were. You were just covering it up for so long that you forgot what your natural beauty looked like!

Well, over these past months, I have had the pleasure of regaining my positive relationship with my natural beauty; the beauty I was born with. Now when I want to enhance my natural beauty, I do it very selectively, just like a middle-school-aged girl putting on lip gloss for the first time, or trying a little blush on her cheeks. I'm selective, because I don't want to hide my newly born-again natural beauty that I have just become friends with again after all these years. This amazing realization led me to do this video, How To Look Beautiful With No Makeup, to help inspire you to discover your natural beauty again and to show you that you can feel beautiful, sexy, and confident with a no makeup look. There are a few essentials that you should incorporate everyday to keep your skin healthy and supple and help prevent aging which I discuss in the video, but the rest is just personal preference.  I also share with you some great anti-aging tips and tricks that I think you will find helpful to promote beautiful smooth skin, but the important thing to always remember is that beauty comes from inside, self confidence comes from inside and this experience with being in lockdown may just have birthed a whole new beauty trend. A trend where women look within and allow their beauty to radiate out rather than be painted on.  True beauty is in the way you treat others and the world. It is in the kindness and sincerity that you share with others and in the compassion you have for yourself. So please watch my video, How To Look Beautiful With No Makeup and then challenge yourself to develop a better relationship with your looks, to develop your self confidence without wearing makeup. Try to practice acting the same way without makeup that you would when you are wearing full makeup. Before you know it, you will feel your inner butterfly emerging from her cocoon. It's a wonderful exercise in personal growth. Too many women look in the mirror and don't like what they see. How did they get there? Children don't know anything about looks, they are just themselves. It's society that starts to dictate and judge what is and isn't beautiful. Don't fall into that trap. All things created under God are beautiful and you are one of them. You are as beautiful as a spring flow or a soaring eagle. You just need to see it.

There's also one additional bonus to not wearing makeup, or minimal makeup, and that is the money you will save! I have not bought one single makeup product this year and I don't feel any need or want to. When I watch YouTube videos now of women piling on makeup, I think they look completely overdone. I think to myself how much nicer they would look with a much lighter hand and soft natural glow. I hope you enjoy my video and I hope it inspires you to embrace your God-given natural beauty to.  xoLinda

Visit my Amazon Store to find all the products I have recommended in my videos in one place! Here's the link:  My Amazon Product Page

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