Thursday, September 10, 2020

This Too Shall Pass - Be Ready For Opportunity!

For so many people, this year has proven to be very difficult and challenging. Our hearts are sad and our motivation has suffered a tremendous setback. There is so much negativity, uncertainty, and feelings of hopelessness all around us, and it’s very easy to get swept up into feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness, and depression for these are the feelings that humans experience with loss of freedom, loss of choice, isolation, and fear. The important questions is, what can we do?  Well….believe it or not, the remedy begins within you! That’s where all change begins, for you are the one that has control and influence over your own life. Rather than spending time focusing on the negative situations all around you, shift your focus on what you do have and what you can enjoy right now, in this moment, and build from there. Spend time thinking about the freedoms you experience every day, the people and things in your life that make a difference and really matter to you. Write them down. Make a list and refer to it when thoughts of negativity begin to surface. Start a journey today towards finding your sense of hope and faith again and you will find your inspiration. You may have to dig deep right now to find your strength, but you will find it, of this I am sure, and when you do, grab it and pull it up like a rope from the depths of your soul, then set it free and allow it to blaze a glorious path for your future. Continue to look forward and remind yourself every day that "this too shall pass." Say those words to yourself outlaid, write them down, pin them where you can see them throughout the day. Right now we are in the worst of storms, but we must remember that out of the rubble of disaster often rises the greatest of opportunities. So be ready, because your day is coming and things will be better than they were before. You will be stronger and smarter and more resilient than you were before. Let those words and thoughts be the light that guides you out of the darkness and despair to be restored once again. I believe we are all being tested right now. We are being challenged to recognize what is sacred to us and what we are willing to fight for. Perhaps we needed a reminder of its value, a warning to pay attention so we don’t lose it. Sometimes in life wake-up calls can be loud and shrill and unpleasant, but very very necessary. It’s time to take action in your life, to put plans into effect to protect your future, and it starts right here, right now, with you pledging to yourself that you will no longer dwell in the house of sadness, negativity, despair, and frustration, but instead you will rise up, dust yourself off, and unleash your abounding spirit. Go forth and research, study, learn, understand, and grow. Do what it takes to identify opportunities to make changes, fix problems, and create your new and exciting destiny. 💖
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