Monday, August 13, 2018

Green Tea - Nourish Your Skin Like You Do Your Body

With so many products on the market promising amazing results for our skin, we've come to believe that the cosmetic companies are the ones with the secret to great skin. I thought that too when I was young girl, however, with age comes wisdom and I have found that is simply not so.

The very same things that are responsible for having good health will provide you with beautiful skin. It's important that we make room in our skin care routine for natural foods to be used as skincare treatments. Natural foods provide our skin with much needed vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protection from the enviroment, bacteria, and even skin cancer. In my latest YouTube video I share a wonderful and simple recipe that contains green tea, which is a powerhouse of antioxidants for your skin. It protects you skin from UV damage and is an amazing anti-aging, anti-wrinkle treatment. I use green tea in my recipe to make an amazing facial mask for the skin. It's one of my absolute favorites! It's incredibly simple to make and yields enough for a week of treatments, which can be especially helpful if you are trying to fade dark spots, heal acne, shrink pores, or reduce puffy under-eye bags. Watch my video below for how to make this powerful mask and make it a regular part of your life for soft, smooth, wrinkle-free, hydrated and healthy skin.

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