Friday, August 31, 2018

The Benefits of Cardio Exercise For Looking Younger and Staying Fit

Many people write me about how to get in shape or how to have a flat stomach, or how to have young looking skin. What's the secret they ask. Well, there really isn't a secret. I would never try to sell you a magic pill or tell you this product is the fountain of youth. It's not who I am. Unfortunately, there are people using that approach everyday to profit from unsuspecting hopeful people. Being fit, looking your best you, and your youngest you, does not come in a tube of Retin-A or some botox or filler injections, or even in an expensive beauty cream. Why, because it's temporary, and it messes with your self esteem, and it may even speed up the aging process of your skin.  On my YouTube channel I try to help people realize that the secret to beauty, looking younger, and staying fit throughout your life is within you. We all the power to look and feel younger, or how about looking like time has stood still for you, which is what I like to think. By making certain helpful lifestyle choices you can alter your aging process and reverse the hands of time.  I discuss how I stayed fit and youthful looking in my videos which you can watch below.

Part 1 of How I Stayed Young and Fit Naturally

Part 2 of How I Stayed Young and Fit Naturally

If I can impart one piece of advice to you about staying young looking it would be to exercise regularly because that will help keep your blood enriched with fresh oxygen and your bodily functions operating efficiently. Life is movement. Too often we simply slow down too much as we age, starving our cells of vital nutrients. Don't overdo it though because too much of any good thing can have a negative effect on your body as it becomes just another stress for you.  In my most recent video, I do an at home cardio workout that's super fun and energizing to help motivate you to just get moving. Just be free, have fun, and move. I think it's very helpful to have a video you can watch to exercise along with someone, it can be very motivating, and that's why I shared my video on YouTube. I want to help motivate you to do this incredibly rejuvenate beauty treatment....exercise! My video is fun, freestyle, motivating, and will get your mood rising right along with your heart rate. You can watch it below and don't forget to share it! Now, start moving today!


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