Monday, July 22, 2019

What You Water Grows

One of the benefits of getting older, and yes there are benefits, is that you gain wisdom and perspective about life. We are always learning. We never stop. Over the years, we learn what works for us and what doesn't, so that we may be able to correct and perfect our lives as we go along. One of the things that stands out to me as I reflect on life is how much we have the power to shape our lives. Wherever I look, at friends, family members, work colleagues,  or my own life, I have realized that where we place our efforts and time is indicative of the results we have. Where we fail to pay attention or invest our time, is where we will have the most struggles.  Sit and think for a moment about your life and the things that are going on with you right now. Relationships, health, work, life. Are there areas of your life that you have struggles in, or great success and pride in? Well that didn't just happen by chance.  So much is written about the law of attraction, about your ability to attract into your life the things that you want, by simply deciding to want them. That decision usually leads to certain actions and those actions tell the universe that you are receptive. In your garden of life, remember, where you water, grows, and where you neglect, withers.  What are you watering? I have a a work colleague who's son is currently watering a life of heavy drinking and partying and as a result,  he's overweight, on blood pressure medication, and not looking for a much needed job. He is choosing to water the weeds of life and he is attracting similar people. Where are you devoting your resources because that is what is growing. If you are watering weeds and not flowers, you will grow weeds. Takes some time to reflect and if you desire change, you must change what you are giving your attention to.


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