A new and glorious year is upon us and with that is a unique opportunity to make deliberate decisions to help improve our lives going forward. There is an innate catalyst to beginning anew that is ever-present with the turning of the calendar to January 1st each year. As you reflect on this past year, you may find that you are carrying a burden of pain, or a heaviness that may have been caused by another's actions towards you that has weighed on your spirit and kept you from experiencing the highest level of joy in your life. We have all been hurt by others in our lives. Many have had their hearts broken and their trust shattered; others have been bullied or taken advantage of. Unfortunately, these experiences can be very painful and can often change how we feel about ourselves, or even the course of our lives, but we are not hopelessly doomed to carry these wounds and resentments with us forever. We can choose to make a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment and vengeance towards others, regardless of whether they deserve forgiveness or not. When you choose to forgive, it does not mean that you will forget, nor does it mean that you excuse or condone the offense against you. What forgiveness does is it frees you from the corrosive anger and resentment you feel in your heart that weighs down your spirit, joy, self confidence, and sometimes even your health. Choosing to forgive can help you realize that you are not a victim, that you have the power to choose to move on and have peace of mind. Letting go of negative thoughts and feelings can free you and empower you to recognize and validate the pain you suffered, without letting that pain define you, or your life, any longer. And remember, we must also learn to forgive ourselves, and recognize that we are only human and make mistakes. Forgiving ourselves can sometimes be even harder than forgiving someone else. So this New Year 2020, help yourself heal and move on with your life, should you need to, by making the decision to FORGIVE, and go forward into the new year with a peaceful heart and joyous optimism. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year.❤️
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