Monday, December 9, 2019

Will I Ever Feel Like Myself Again After Menopause?

In Part 1 of my new video series on menopause (see video below), I share many helpful insights and valuable information with you, woman to woman, about my journey through menopause and what I have learned and researched along the way to help me adapt to this enormous transition in a woman's life. I share this with you in an effort to help you prepare and accept this new age of womanhood. Yes, there is life on the other side of menopause and it's a great one. Find out in my video what I have to say about that! It's so important for women to understand the time of perimenopause and its symptoms, which often begins for many women in their 30s, and is the preparation of the beginning of a woman's journey into her menopausal years.  Perimenopause often catches women off guard and they descend into a spiral of unhappiness, going from doctor to doctor with new symptoms to try to figure out what's suddenly wrong with them. Women need to understand that perimenopause and menopause come with so many symptoms as I discussed in my video: Menopause and Perimenopause Signs and Symptoms | My Experience | Natural Remedies
This time of life is going to have ups and downs caused by hormonal fluctuations and it's a natural process done in preparation for your body to no longer want to get pregnant. Unfortunately, there are still those that are trying to profit by taking advantage of women during this time of need and support, by telling them that they need to go on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in order to fend off old age and disease.  In my video below, I discuss all the facts as well as the risks of taking HRT that you should be aware of if you are considering taking HRT, so you can make an informed decision as to whether this is suitable for you. Doctors don't tell you about the severe health risks when they recommend it to you, they often paint an ambiguous picture of safety and risk factors that make you feel like it's ok, or everyone does it, or that won't happen to me. I know because I was there too, but the risks are real and they are many. So we must do our own research and share it with each other, and support each other, and that is what I have done by creating this video. I want to help inform and educate you by sharing my experience. I share relevant and important research as well as my own insights to help empower women with the facts so they can make the decision that's right for them. Remember, menopause is a finite amount of time in a woman's life and it may not be worth risking your current or future health on something that is temporary, because although it may be hard to see when you are in the throes of suffering all the awful symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats, there is life on the other side of menopause, and I talk to you all about it in my video below. Please watch my video and share it with other women. You have the power to get past menopause quickly or slowly depending on the lifestyle choices you make during your change. The power is within you, not in a bottle of pills.  Part 2 of this video series will be up in short order, so stay tuned!


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